Tag: Strawberry
The Weight of Knowledge: Connecting Project Strawberry to a Physicist’s Sweet Revelation
The internet is a marvelously massive-yet-intangible construct. It’s so vast that we’ve spent decades trying to quantify its storage, traffic, and even its weight. Yes, you read that right: the internet has a weight. According to physicist Russell Seitz, the entirety of the internet’s data—when considered in terms of the electrons required to store and…
The Five Levels of AI: Has OpenAI’s ‘Strawberry’ Reached Level 2?
Explore the thrilling advancements in artificial intelligence as we delve into a riveting exchange on X that questions the emotional and self-aware capacities of AI, sparking both excitement and debate within the tech community. From chatbots to potentially sentient beings, this article takes you on a captivating journey through today’s AI innovations that may turn…